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Children's Ministry Solutions

Children's Ministry Solutions
How to WIN at RECRUITING Children's Ministry Volunteers
Ten Strategies for a Proven Recruiting System
Most churches struggle with recruiting enough volunteers for their children's ministry. This has reached a crisis level in the U.S. The lack of children's ministry volunteers is one of the major reasons churches stop growing. Hiring a children's minister to "recruit all the volunteers" is an outdated approach and is NOT the model for growing and sustaining a strong children's ministry. However, there is good news. Art Murphy's Ten Strategies for a Proven Recruiting System has led churches of all sizes to significantly increase their number of children's ministry volunteers.
During this video training course you will discover:
how to MAXIMIZE your recruiting potential
steps to building a solid system that is guaranteed to bring you volunteers
100+ proven recruiting activities
what the leading children's ministers have found to be the most successful
enlistment strategies
fifteen ways to quickly double your number of volunteers
top ten places to discover volunteers
recruiting assignments for your staff, church, and YOU
how a large church, starting with 67 volunteers, increased to 725
how a medium church increased from 25 to 148 volunteers in four months
how a small church with only 6 volunteers, increased to 95 in just 18 months
recruiting FAILS not worth repeating
how to keep the volunteers that you have
and much, much more
We can help you conquer this challenge and develop a "full-blown," proactive recruiting strategy. Discover what hundreds of churches have implemented to increase their number of volunteers.

How to WIN at Recruiting Volunteers
Click here to view all ten video titles and other resources.